Monday, June 9, 2008


I hate cleaning. I clean and 5 minutes later, it is dirty again, which makes me lose my will to clean. But tomorrow I have an appointment at the house and then a meeting south of here and then another appointment and then a meeting. . .

So, if I don't want to answer a lot of questions about the foul state of my kitchen after a weekend of baking, I should probably go clean it. Which I hate. It's a vicious cycle.

But the banana-pear-apple bread, the white bread, the brownies and the cookies were all delicious. I hate scales. I weigh myself and. . .


The Katzbox said...

you know, that was my take on life the entire time my kids were all growing up...I couldn't GET my house clean so how could I KEEP it clean...relax a time that is too-soon-coming, the house will be relatively empty and quiet and you will have more time and you know what, the house will still be a least, mine is...I just don't clean well...there's other things to do, it hurts my joints, and other really good reasons...whatev...

frizzlefry said...

I like all of your reasons. Especially the "there's other things to do" one. . . :)

frizzlefry said...

But I still have to clean that nasty kitchen- can't even see the counters right now. And then, maybe I will bake more. . .