Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.
Which, by definition, makes me insane. This comes as a surprise to exactly no one.
But just to confirm it, today I let Rebi buy another point and shoot camera. Because the destruction of the previous one was so much fun, I'm dying to relive it. Over and over again. Wait. If I expect the same results, am I still insane?
I don't think I want you to answer that. I certainly don't want you to provide examples to prove your point.
I see you as optimistic. I say this because I do the same thing over and over expecting different (i.e. better) results.
Dr. Phil would say "how's that working for ya?" I would love to hand him my child for a week and see if he does some "insane" things, himself.
I hear Fisher Price makes a digital that can with stand up to some abuse. I think you'll find it in the toy aisle. It's got a big profile. Probably keeps it from getting lost easily.
Let me know if you figure out the answer to this one, as I would really love to know too.
Ahhh, I can sooo relate to this. I hope that this time, the camera makes it!
Oh...what did Einstien know....ouch, my tongue is stuck in my cheek....
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