Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Short Story

I can't go into all of the details, but the short story is that I have my very own stalker. I have to go file a restraining order today and everything.

If all goes well, he'll also be in jail tonight. And the FBI suddenly wants to talk to him as well. Note to self: It's not a good idea to threaten someone over email these days.

Did I mention that the guy is batshit crazy? And at 5'8" and 150 pounds, I can probably take him without the use of the various weapons at my disposal, should he choose to enter my house while I'm home. . . Why is it always the little guys that think they are so tough? He totally has small dog syndrome.

Anyway, two things:
1) I am probably moving the blog to a new blog address. Even though I don't think he has found this yet.
2) For the short term, until I decide, I am placing the blog on a password. I hope. If I know how.

If you have my email address and want to continue to read this, please let me know. Otherwise, post a comment and I will let you know how to find me or what password to use.

And for your reading enjoyment, a little snippet of the email that this guy claims was just to "get my attention and make me call him back". I'm sorry I can't get into the back story on this. Just as soon as I can, I will. . .

" So i will see you later and i will see you later and just remember that you bought this all on yourself,i dont know what kind of people your used to dealing with,but i dont think you meet a motherf****r quit like me...and dont trip Im a night owl,and the homies in the neighborhood love to do things at night so it works out for all of us.....I cant wait to see the look on your face....God is a forgiving God for I am Not....."

Kinda funny that he will now barely be able to move between all of the FBI, Sheriffs, and even CHP officers who think he's scum. I may be a suburban house wife, but I'm much better connected than he realizes. And I am good to my friends, so they like to help me, however possible.


Anonymous said...

M. I read you all the time. That is how I keep up w/ you and sometimes event extended family. I love you an hope you are safe. I would like to continue laughing with you and keeping touch. Aunt C in Providence.

Cloves said...

How come all the crazies don't know how to use punctuation? Let me know how to find you. I think you have my e-mail address.

3littlemen said...

Wow, that is really scary! I'm sorry you're having to deal with that!!

Jennifer Hale said...

Stalkers are very, very strange. So sorry one has latched on to you. Take care of yourself.

knittinandnoodlin said...

Oy. Sorry you have attracted one of those things...that is nasty business, for sure. I hope they lock him up and throw away the key. I'd love to keep reading, so please keep me posted if/when you move your blog.

Kathi D said...


I would like to keep following you. Just here on the blog, though, you know, not in a stalkerish way . . .

Becs said...

Geez that's terrifying! I'm just glad that you've got some options about locking this person up. Anyway I'd love to be able to keep following your blog.

The Katzbox said...

This sounds like a screenplay in progress....bad azz stalker guy, who is crusty but benign, encounters homemakers of San Diego County who deluge him with cassaroles and then attempt to save his soul. He'll never survive....never.....

keep me posted (per my know who she is...wink wink) on your electronic whereabouts so that all of us can continue to stay entertained, uplifted, yada yada yada....

who does this child think he is dealing with? *head shaking*

frizzlefry said...

I might die of boredom before I get to talk to anyone about a restraining order

Kirsti Hardie said...

Holy crap Lissa, obviously send me the password.

Alex B. said...

Do you want to borrow my .45 ACP? I have a lock box you can keep it in so little hands can't get ahold of it. Just one more weapon in your aresenal. :)

Anonymous said...

OH my ... ok scary ... stay safe and keep all those kids safe too ... yes I'll have to keep in touch too ... i'll mail you from my house email .. Cathie

Adara Kaylee Jones(: said...

Wow. That is crazy out of all the people he choses you... huh.