Thursday, October 25, 2007

Celebrating my 19th birthday. . .for the 17th time.

So, yesterday was my birthday. At one point, I would have expected the entire day to be about me, but I am over that now. :)

At any rate, yesterday was completely insane. Fire, neighborhood drama, smoke smoke and more smoke, the desire to leave the blackened skies and no idea where to go. Fire crews in the neighborhood south of us. Add to that a party for 12-14 year olds where a bunch of older teens showed up with alcohol and all of the phone calls that needed, new information about a family referred to as the "dog beaters" and it was 8:45pm before we sat down to dinner.

However, I received several awesome presents. There's the itouch. I love it, I really do. Then, Dave took the kids shopping yesterday afternoon and came back with the van shampooed. I love that too. It took them two hours, so I had two hours of peace and quiet. Fantastic. Blissful, really. I even got to read for 30 minutes or so.

My most amusing gift was the one from Tyler.

Ty:"Mom, I left you a present on your pillow."
me:"Oh, thanks sweetie. Do I need to go up and see it now, or can I find it when I go to bed?"
Ty:"You can find it when you go to bed."
10 second pause. then, ty grabs me and starts pulling me from the couch.
Ty:"OK mom, it's time for you to go to bed now!"

On my pillow was a cute Lego sculpture in the shape of a heart with the word "Hi" in it.


cari said...

So I talked to you twice yesterday and had no idea that it was your birthday...I feel like an idiot. Happy Birthday and thanks for taking time out of your special day to help us with our canning-you're awesome. Oh, and I am turning 29 for my second time next month, I had no idea I was supposed to stop at 19!=)

Cloves said...

Happy birthday. It sounds as exciting as 19th birthday should be.

Naomi said...

OK--wish I would have known yesterday at the swap! Hope you had a wonderful day!

KA said...

Happy birthday. I'm jealous of the iTouch. And would be even more so were it an iPhone.

kEllY said...

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! Sorry, I didn't know! Mine was 2 weeks ago. We should go do something when we have time. ha ha ha!....TIME! Is your family feeling okay to have the party tonight? Do you need anything? Just let me know!

Joanna and Tyler said...

Happy Belated Birthday!! I didn't realize that you were supposed to stop at 19 either. It makes sense though, all of my younger sisters thought I was ancient as soon as I turned 20.