Saturday, October 20, 2007

Is this the lamest TP job ever?

And, is Rebi really old enough to attract this type of attention?


kEllY said...

It looks to me like someone got caught TP-ing another house and had to clean it up and then it got dumped in your yard.

frizzlefry said...

I see. . .so your boys confessed? :)

cari said...

Don't worry Melissa--I'm sure this is just the beginning of many great TPing jobs you'll see at your home.

Mom said...

Nothing will ever compare to the beautiful TP job that Dave did on our yard when you were in high school. Big bows, drapes from tree to tree. Too bad the dew melted it before you got to see it.

Dave said...

Ah yes, Adam and I were true artistes when it came to TPing.

Unlike the hacks who embarrassed themselves on our lawn Friday night.

Mom said...

The funniest part of Dave and Adam's TP job was that I happened to wake up and look out my bedroom window, when they were just finishing. I still remember the looks of complete shock and fright on their faces. And they thought they were being so sneaky.