Friday, February 1, 2008

The longest day of my life

It's possible that today was the longest day of my life. If you don't believe me, by all means coat your eyes in turquoise shadow, gloss your lips in hot pink, rat your hair and squeeze your size 12 (OK, 14 but shhh!) body into a size 10 prom dress circa 1972. Should that not be quite enough to send you over the edge, by all means pose for a photo, outside, with the dress zip tied shut in the back while children are walking home from middle school. It's even better if you can't get the dress off either over your head or over your "ample" hips when the photo shoot finally ends.

Fun doesn't even begin to describe it.


KA said...

Um, como?

frizzlefry said...

I can't tell all of the details yet, but I promise to post the photos just as soon as the secret is out. . .

Naomi said...

Come on! It was my prom dress in 1987--you are more than a decade off!! Don't worry, people were so taken in by the the blinding blue eye shadow, no one was even noticing the open back. . .

The Katzbox said...

Your post sounds like a recurring bad por favor

cari said...

I love stuff like this...can't wait to see the pictures.

frizzlefry said...

Naomi- I had one JUST like it in 1990! And I LOVED it with a capital L. . .

frizzlefry said...

P.S. I just got one of the photos, and I look like the crypt keeper. I'm not sure I can post it without ruining my reputation for being classy and dignified.

Dave said...

You gotta post SOMETHING!