Thursday, March 20, 2008

Updated side bars

Yes, I have been lazy lately. Which makes me a little sad because I have read several great books that are not listed on the side bar. However, everything I am currently in the middle of is now represented. There's nothing like a few pages of Brothers Karamazov to completely free me of insomnia. I have made it all the way to page 200 or so. Moving right along. And, for the first time in my personal history, books I chose for summer reading LAST year are still on the list for summer reading this year. It's a travesty.

I also added a couple of new recipes. Good luck deciphering those!


John Hattan said...

History of God is a pretty dense read too.

frizzlefry said...

I don't know for sure, as it is floating around my house and I can't find it. I'm on page 12 or so. Which bugs me because I was really excited about that one!

Coffey buzz Mom said...

I had a BLAH day myself today. I was doing laundry and watching kids sleep so I picked up Wednesdays letters. I got 9 chapters into it.

frizzlefry said...

I looked that up on Amazon and it looks good. You'll have to let us know if you like it.

Coffey buzz Mom said...

Finished Wednesday Letter's last night. I liked it. It's a quick read. Took me one and half days to finish.