Tuesday, April 29, 2008


. . .my depression to find out there is no longer a Ben and Jerry's in Temecula. Goodbye, 1253 calories per bite. I will miss you!

I do believe I will head off to the grocery store for a few items. Never mind if one or two of them happen to be of the cookie dough or phish food variety. . .


The Katzbox said...

Your secret is safe...go for it!!!

Kirsti said...

Although your other post are exceedingly more witty than this one, I thought I better "come out of the closet" and admit I've been blog stalking you. There it's out. I feel much better. And I miss you which is why I've been spying on you--and of course because your blogs are very entertaining.

PS Your kids are beautiful.

frizzlefry said...

I knew you were there all along Kirst, I just didn't want you to feel any pressure. And the same goes for all the rest of you stalker! :)

I miss you too. Thanks for making your presence known. I was hoping my comment to Jen would have that effect.

P.S. Thanks!

frizzlefry said...

erm. . .stalkers. I know there are more of you out there. According to site meter, a lot more than I thought.