Saturday, January 26, 2008

Rock On Tyler

Yes, another post about Ty. . .

He had a great meet at Stanford, increasing his overall scores by as much as a full point in 2 events. His vault and rings were particularly good, with a 9.45 in vault and a 9.15 on rings.

After that, he took me out to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner with our friends, Laura, Jon, and Sydney.

Now, he is getting ready to lose to Laura in the game of Life. She has won that game since she and I were kids together, and I fully expect her to kick his butt this time too!


Mom said...


(Tell Laura and family "Hi" for me.)

kEllY said...

Congrats, tyler!! You rock.

Mom said...

That was supposed to say "Way to GO, Ty!!!" I swear it was spelled correctly when I posted it. Do you have gremlins in your blog? (: