Thursday, June 7, 2007

Pirate Party Pics

It's my Birthday, It's my Birthday, I love cake, It's my birthday. . .
We know at least one child enjoyed himself!
Tyler may be shorter than Nate's friends, but he's handier with the lipstick
All the party goers were made into Pirates, thanks to cool bandannas and some black lipstick
Balloons and Pirates- can cake get any better than that?

A picture is truly worth 1000 words
Tyler and Evan lead some games
Party Leaders: back: Rebi, Jordan, Taylor, Ellie, Evan, Jana front: Nate, Tyler


Jen said...

I am LOVING these! That party looks like so much fun! Hey, McCandliss's b-day is next month. Anyone want to come and be a party leader?

frizzlefry said...

Careful, everyone of them will take you up on it. They may have had more fun than the attendees