Friday, March 7, 2008

Parenting skills

I thought I would just take a minute and share the beauty of an awesome celebrity parent.
I just love to see how tender Hugh Jackman is with his daughter. . . And again here, making sure she is safe on the boat. And that in a show of solidarity, he is willing to go shirtless with her. . .
And this picture where his isn't with his kids. Still a great parent, I'm sure. . .
Oops. I wonder how that got here.


Cloves said...


So what other celebrites are hot, I mean, good parents?

frizzlefry said...

I should start a weekly hot shirtless celebrity parent feature on the blog, eh? :)

Mom said...

Don't we all love a male celebrity, who has great pec--oops, great parenting skills?!!

The Katzbox said...

HAH!!! the blog thing, it would be GREAT