So, I am flattered that a little help for a friend could be interesting world wide. And to everyone new to the Misfires, welcome. I believe some of our newest members will stick around. Until I bore them to death. Or get all ranty about certain holidays involving hearts. But let's not delve into THAT again, shall we?
There's just one little problem with the Misfires that I should clear up before we add a lot of new friends.
Not enough of you are leaving comments.
I know, it sounds like I selfishly expect you to spend time validating me. Which is true. But MORE than that, I love to hear someone else's take on my warped sense of humor, or my bizarre-o opinions. And for everyone who has been reading faithfully since Day 1- Mom, you know who you are- don't think you're exempt from the occasional chiming in.
Am I asking too much here? Just throw me a bone and make an observation or tell me I'm nuts. Even a little "ha=ha". You too Alex. I know you're there. . .
OK, I'm done outting everyone. Again, thanks for letting me entertain you. I do live for it just a tiny bit.
Hi! *wave* I came for your tortillas. They look so awesome! I will be using your recipe the next time I make empanadas. =) Have you ever tried to freeze them?
Hey, I resent that. I give lots of observations and comments to your blogs. Just remember, you gave Jenne the credit for teaching you how to make those yummy tortillas. Not sure how soon I will forgive you for that!
And then, there are all those blogs making fun of me. I don't know. I may have to take my allegience to another blogger. ((:
Sorry Mom, I wasn't saying you need to comment more. Heavens no! I was saying you are the faithful reader who has been here from the beginning.
And I would love to give you credit for the tortillas, but the first time I made them was in Vegas. I'm sorry, but "teaching" me at 4 just doesn't count. . .
Hi Knittin-
I don't think I have ever frozen the tortillas, but I did roll them all out and put deli paper in between them to cook later and that worked quite well.
If you profit from this tortilla thing I want a cut of it. :-)
Sorry Aunt Donna. I will give you a little shout out for exposing Liss to the tortillas. The thing is that no one makes more tortillas than I do except for Cafe Rio, so Liss couldn't really escape them while living with me. Thus the association.
I know, right? I so should have put ads on the blog. . .because I LOVE to manage ads in every aspect of my life!!
I came over for the tortilla recipes, but started reading earlier posts. Girl you are hilarious! I will be back to read the archives when I leave work tonight. My boss kept asking what was so funny about the financial statements I was completing. tee hee hee... nose cartilage doesn't count as a break, lol
I really enjoyed your tortilla tutorial! I am not too keen on flour tortilla (store bought ones are gummy to me) but the ones you made look like they will be delicious! I look forward to giving it a go!
This is my first visit to your blog and it is hysterical. I don't typically burst out laughing...
I did enjoy your tutorial, but haven;t had the time to actually make them myself. But I intend to...does that count? And I have bought the raw ones before, and was impressed with how much better they tated over the other store bought kind. I thnk I found mine in the deli section by the cheese? And I already outed myself as a blog stalker...
Ha Ha--How's that? Yes, I know I'm a beast.
Thanks guys. I feel much more validated now. . .:)
I was hungry and avoiding doing some work around the house on this blistering Sunday afternoon (in LA) when I saw your tortilla recipe. So I made them. Turned out great, thanks!
I don't really roll dough too much (read: never) so I don't have a rolling pin. The only store I know that sells kitchen stuff is Fry's Electronics, and it turns out they don't have rolling pins there - go figure! (But I did use it as an excuse to pick up some other stuff I "needed" - Hey, I'm a guy, sue me.) So I went the lazy man's way. I just used a wine bottle. Which worked fine. :)
But a dozen or so tortillas is a lot more than it sounds on paper. We'll be eating these for a few days, I think.
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