Thursday, July 3, 2008

Extraordinarily Painful

A house 2 doors down from us, with the same floor plan, was just listed for $335,000.

That is a full $200,000 less than what we paid for ours 3 years ago. And the house is not completely trashed. It needs less than $1000 worth of repairs.

Someone is going to get a fantastic deal. But we're just a wee bit screwed on the home equity.


Alex B. said...

That just means you can't "afford" to sell your house for a while-- which is good for those of us who live with you here in So. Cal. :)

Emmy said...

Yep, we're all in this boat right now. It's just Heavenly Father's way of saying, "Please, stay a while."

Brig said...

If you're not moving any time soon, take heart. I keep telling my wife, it doesn't matter if our retirement account values decreased by 20% this year--we're not retiring any time soon! Maybe in a few years, we'll have a boom bigger than the dot com boom and your house will be worth a billion dollars!

frizzlefry said...

It's true. My biggest issue is that I haven't lived anywhere longer than 3 years since I was 17. I'm getting all antsy to see somewhere else and feeling trapped. :)

Coffey buzz Mom said...

Don't worry the market isn't any better here in Las Vegas. When we first moved here the first year our house earned 100,000.00. The housing has dropped and I can buy a bigger house for what I paid for mine house almost 5 years ago. We will stay put for a while.